An introduction....

....of sorts.

This is a blog dedicated to random acts of thoughtcrime perpetrated by myself. This blog is my own dark, dank, cave, my own little corner of the blogosphere, allowing me to (hopefully) extrapolate some semblance of coherency from the chaos that is my subconscious.

I suspect a lot of what is posted here will not entirely make sense, and that is fine, hell, I don't even expect people to be interested in everything I have to say. What I do hope, however, is that anyone who comments on my posts helps me to make light of the randomness within. I've finally found somewhere where I can loosen the shackles on those thoughts which I do my best to keep within.

This is a new journey for me, and I hope long the way, I shall be joined by others. I am not sure sure what will become of it, if anything, but I hope that any result is, ultimately a positive one. With that in mind, I bid you welcome. Sit yourself down, put on your choice of guilty musical pleasure, and enjoy.

- Morgues

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